Section 37 Policy Development

City of Vaughan


Vaughan retained GPA to prepare an Official Plan policy framework and supporting guidelines on the Planning Act’s Section 37; the legislation that allows municipalities to secure “facilities, services or matters”, commonly referred to as community benefits, in return for increases in height and density of development. Developing the policies and guidelines involved a review of best practices and other background research, which was presented Council Committee during the study for review and feedback.
The policy framework establishes the relationship between the development and the location of facilities, services or matters and that could be secured, the types of community benefits that could be negotiated in exchange for extra density and height as well as the process for securing the community benefits. The fundamental principles underpinning the policy are good planning and establishing a “nexus” between the increase in height and density and the nature of the community benefit. The guidelines focus on negotiation protocols, parties’ roles and the nature of agreements. Council supported the policy framework, which is now included in the Town’s Official Plan.