Official Plan Indicators
City of Toronto
GPA led the team to develop a concise list of Official Plan indicators for the City of Toronto’s City Planning Division. The purpose of the indicators is to help assess the effectiveness of key Official Plan policies and their implementation. The indicators will be used to communicate progress on the Plan to a broad audience including Council and the public. As such, special attention was paid to developing visual representation formats that help the indicators tell a clear and accessible story.
GPA engaged with a wide variety of staff from City Planning and other interested divisions, including Transportation Services, Economic Development and Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in the development of the indicators and in assessing data collections needs. Once the draft set of indicators was confirmed with City staff, indicators were back-tested in order to assess their ease of use, the availability of supporting data and the significance of the findings. Revised indicators were used to develop templates for the graphic representation and layout of the indicators adaptable to a variety of formats.