City of Markham Official Plan


City of Markham





John Gladki of GPA was engaged by Markham as the senior expert adviser for developing its new Official Plan. The project involved assisting planning staff with organizing the work plan, reviewing background research and preparing all the Official Plan policies. Mr. Gladki met with staff weekly or biweekly during the course of the project to review progress based on a detailed outline of the Plan. He worked with staff to integrate the proposed policies with provincial plans and policies, the Regional Official Plan and previous City initiatives. The Plan is forward looking embracing the provincial Growth Plan initiative for intensification and protection of natural features and environmentally sensitive areas. It focuses on encouraging mixed use development along regional corridors, regional centres and key development areas. The Plan includes policies to protect employment lands and introduces strong protection for the “Greenway” which includes the Oak Ridges Moraine and the provincial Greenbelt lands. The Plan was approved by Markham Council and the Region in 2014. While large sections of the Plan are in force by order of the Province, other sections are under appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board. Mr. Gladki has been retained by the City as its expert witness for the Ontario Municipal Board hearing on the Plan.