West Don Lands Precinct Plan


Waterfront Toronto





The West Don Lands project is an eighty-acre revitalization project on Toronto’s waterfront that will see the development of a new vibrant community. The West Don Lands neighbourhood will include 5,800 new dwelling units, twenty-three acres of parkland and public spaces, transit within a five-minute walk of all residences, 1,200 units of affordable housing as well as pedestrian and cycling connections to the downtown core. Members of GPA worked with a multidisciplinary team commissioned by Waterfront Toronto, and led by Urban Design Associates of Pittsburg, which included architects, landscape architects and artists as well as urban lighting and tree experts. The precinct plan includes details for the development and construction of all the public streets and open spaces of this emerging community. The role of GPA was to develop a planning policy framework including provisions for affordable housing and community services.