York Region Urban Expansion Area OMB Hearing (ROPA3)


City of Markham





Markham retained John Gladki to provide expert testimony at the Ontario Municipal Board in support of York Region’s Official Plan policy regarding limiting the expansion of the urban area to coincide with the provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH). A number of parties had filed appeals to the expansion area policies on the grounds that more land was needed to accommodate the demand for single detached dwellings. In his evidence Mr Gladki summarized the history of decisions by Council regarding growth management, reviewed a number of background studies that had been completed in support of the City’s growth management strategy, provided an overview of public consultations regarding growth management, summarized the key components of the Official Plan, described the City’s long standing commitment and success in promoting intensification, demonstrated that there was a significant trend towards intensified development patterns and showed how the success of Markham’s intensification initiatives support ROPA 3. The Board agreed with Mr Gladki’s evidence as well as other witnesses supporting the Region’s position and dismissed the appeal.